Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hello, said Jana.

Welcome to the new blog.

Let me encourage you, now, before I've even provided you with comment fodor, to please please pretty please post comments, stories, and maybe even a few snyde remarks for us here! You can also always reach us at

Our other blog is located at, where you will find any number of videos, photos and anecdotes about this crazy life with kids.

Here's hoping I can get even a fraction of what is happening here into print for all to see. Oh, and allow me this brief disclaimer:

Consistent correspondence has never been my forte. That said, I/we love you all so very much and hereby commit to doing our darnedest to keep this blog current and always updated (if not always interesting. Although . . . the "interesting" might be easiest for us. We are not particularly known for dullness but rather tend to suffer excesses of personality, which we gladly share now with you).


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