Thursday, February 14, 2008

Urban Farming Fun

In earlier posts I mentioned our brief involvement with Urban Farming in Saint Louis. One of our cronies has a particular love of all things gardened and organic and I know that she has had her eye out for like-minded service opportunities. (I won't, however, mention my near-debilitating envy of her green digits. It seems each year that she throws some seeds out the window and soon enough has a garden that puts the rest of us to shame. At least she is good about sharing her spoils. My little bean-eaters can't get enough.)

Well, check this out:

In the infancy of our little organization here we stumbled across an article about these folks and were inspired. While we didn't exactly move downtown and rehab abandonned buildings "off the grid", it has been influential in fueling our developing vision of community and sustainablity and service. Here is the article:

I think we'll be looking into a tour and some volunteering to help New Roots out a bit. Really, though, what we are learning time and time again is that while our efforts may be of help to others, they are of help to us as we develop servants' hearts and start to chip away at the ways we think we know things, that we might be re-educated, better educated by the Spirit.

Stay tuned. I'm excited about this.

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